Welcome to the website of the Canada based British actor Paul Thomas. A place where you can keep up-to-date on news of his current and future productions, see his Resume (North America), CV (UK), read Reviews and look at his Gallery, Demoreel / Showreel and Voicereels.
NEWS: An avid fan of Murdoch Mysteries in both the UK and Canada, Paul was delighted to film a pricipal role for Season 18. You can see him in Episode 19 on CBC, U&Alibi and other stations internationally.
NEWS: Season 2 of Twisted Metal (starring Anthony Mackie) will be coming to Paramount+ / Peacock in 2025. Paul plays the creepy Byron in Episode 3.
NEWS: On September 14th & 15th 2024 Paul performed at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa in cicadas by David Yee, directed by NAC Artistic Director Nina Lee Aquino. This is one of two radio plays being performed together as Irresistible Neighbourhoods: Walking on Water. Full details, including links to listen to the play on podcast platforms such as Spotify and iTunes, are on the NAC Website
PREVIOUSLY: Paul shot two feature films in 2023 They Make Themselves Small directed by Tim Hoare with Studio1970 and The Oval Portrait directed by Adrian Langley with Unit XIX. He also shot two short films: Hope directed by Andrew Dunlop (as part of Digi60) and Super Normal Anonymous directed by Jean-Sébastien Boyer (which won "Best On Theme" at the 2023 Ottawa Comiccon Film Festival). Paul plays lead roles in all four films.
NEWS: One Small MisStep - a brand new Sci-Fi musical by Silas Chinsen and Sandy Gibson - is now available to stream on YouTube, Apple Music and Spotify (click on those words to go to the correct sites). This recording of selected songs from the new show, in which Paul plays the love-sick android Pawn, was produced by Tactics Ottawa.
PREVIOUSLY: Playing every Sunday from June 2023 to September 2023, Paul played Mad Eddy Bones the pirate cook in Grey Ghost: Prisoners of Souls and Masts on a real pirate ship in Mooney's Bay, Ottawa. More details here.
 PREVIOUSLY: Last Christmas the point and click adventure game that Paul voiced the lead of in 2022, was nominated for Best Indie and Best Game Jam Game in the Game Development World Championship. It is now also available on Steam.
PREVIOUSLY: Paul shot two short films in 2022: The Harvest in which Paul played a man dealing with childhood trauma; when his mother comes to live with him - and he decides to treat her as she treated him... Also, Scratch: Or The Rat Who Loved Jazz and the Flea Who Learned To Like It in which Paul played George - a character based on a lonely rat!